Gum Grafting

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Gum recession is a common dental problem that affects millions of Americans. It is characterized by the gradual loss of gum tissue, which can lead to infection, tooth sensitivity, and even tooth loss. Fortunately, we provide gum grafting in Denver, Colorado, as an effective procedure that can help restore your gum tissue and safeguard oral health. If you seek a long-lasting solution to your gum recession, gum grafting may be the answer you’ve been looking for. The procedure involves several steps, including consultation, tissue harvesting, graft placement, recovery, and follow-up appointments. 

So don’t let gum recession go untreated. Take control of your oral health today with gum grafting. If you are searching for exceptional dental care, come to Aspen Dental, where our team of expert dentists is dedicated to providing top-notch treatments and services. Whether you require a routine cleaning or a more complex procedure, Dr. Rossow, Dr. Noce, and Dr. Neal are here to help. Schedule a consultation today to see the difference Aspen Dental can make. If you need to look into our gum grafting procedure, we will help you explore how it can improve oral health.

Why Gum Grafting in Denver?

Do you experience sensitivity to hot and cold foods or notice a receding gum line? These are common symptoms of gum recession. The condition occurs when the gum tissue surrounding the teeth pulls back, exposing more of the tooth and creating pockets that can lead to bacteria buildup and potential tooth loss. Gum grafting in Denver can help us manage gum recession and restore your oral health. 

Gum grafting involves taking healthy tissue from your gums or the roof of your mouth and transplanting it to the area where your gums have receded. This process helps restore the gum tissue level lost due to gum disease, injury, or other factors. By restoring your gum tissue level, gum grafting can help prevent tooth decay and sensitivity and improve your teeth’ overall health and function.

Gum recession is a progressive problem that can lead to more severe oral health issues. By undergoing a gum grafting procedure, you can prevent further gum recession, protecting your teeth and gums against gum disease and other dangerous infections.

Gum recession often leads to tooth sensitivity, making consuming hot or cold foods difficult. Gum grafting can help reduce the level of sensitivity by restoring the lost gum tissue, allowing you to enjoy your favorite foods without feeling pain or discomfort.

Gum recession can leave your teeth looking longer than usual, negatively impacting the appearance of your smile. By undergoing a gum grafting procedure, your teeth are restored to their standard size, shape, and color, improving the overall appearance of your smile.

Gum grafting is a minimally invasive procedure that requires only local anesthesia, and most patients can resume their daily activities quickly. The recovery time is relatively short, and there is always minimal discomfort.

How do I Prepare for Gum Grafting Surgery?

Inform your dentist about your complete medical history, including any medications, allergies, or medical conditions you have. Certain medications or health issues may need special consideration before the surgery. If you are receiving sedation or general anesthesia, arrange for someone to drive you to and from the appointment, as you may not be able to drive yourself afterward. On the day of the surgery, wear loose, comfortable clothing that allows easy access to your arms for IV insertions and blood pressure monitoring.

What is the Process?

If you are considering gum grafting in Denver, knowing what the procedure entails is important. We can provide you with the information and guidance you need to make an informed decision about your oral health. The following steps are typically involved with gum grafting.

Before undergoing any dental procedure, it is essential to consult with your dentist. Your dentist will assess your oral health and determine if gum grafting is right for you. During your consultation, your dentist will also explain the gum grafting procedure in detail and answer any questions you may have.
During gum grafting, your dentist will need to extract tissue from your mouth for the graft. This can be done by removing tissue from the roof of your mouth. The amount of tissue needed will depend on the extent of the gum recession and the level of restoration required.
Once we harvest the tissue, your dentist will begin to place the graft. The graft is usually sewn into place at the treatment site. Sometimes, your dentist may use various specialized methods to hold the graft in place. The graft will cover the exposed root surface and stimulate tissue regeneration.

What is Recovery Like?

Follow Your Dentist’s Instructions Strictly: After gum grafting in Denver, your dentist will provide you with a list of dos and don’ts to ensure proper healing. These instructions typically include avoiding hard and crunchy foods, smoking, and strenuous physical activity for a specific time. Be sure to follow these instructions as strictly as possible to give your gums ample time to heal. Deviating from these rules could prolong the recovery period or create complications.

As with any dental surgery, you may experience some level of pain and discomfort after gum grafting. Your dentist can recommend over-the-counter or prescription pain medication to manage these symptoms. You can also apply a cold compress to the cheek for 20 minutes to reduce swelling and pain. Avoid using hot water or beverages, which can irritate the affected area.

Good oral hygiene ensures proper healing after gum grafting. While brushing and flossing, be highly gentle near the gum line to avoid disturbing the surgical area. Your dentist may even recommend a temporary change in your oral hygiene routine to optimize healing. Be sure to rinse your mouth with an antimicrobial mouthwash after each meal to reduce the risk of infection and promote healing.

During the first few days after gum grafting, your dentist may advise you to stick to a soft diet. You can eat foods like soup, pudding, smoothies, and yogurt comfortably without disrupting the stitches and damaging the surgical area. Once your gums have fully healed, you can slowly reintroduce solid foods to your diet.

After gum grafting, your dentist will schedule a follow-up appointment to examine your gums and ensure they are healing correctly. Attending these appointments is crucial to monitor the progress of your recovery and detect any potential complications early on. Your dentist may also suggest additional treatments, such as scaling and root planing, to improve your oral health further.

Periodontal Dentist in Denver

Gum grafting in Denver is a safe and effective oral health solution that can restore your gum tissue, prevent further gum recession, and improve the overall health of your teeth. If you are struggling with gum recession or tooth sensitivity or want to improve the appearance of your smile, our team of experienced dental experts here at Aspen Dental can help you with your needs. 

From routine cleanings to gum grafting surgery, our skilled team is dedicated to providing personalized treatment and improving your smile. We offer various options for gum grafting, and consultation with our specialist can help you discover the best choice for your needs. 

Our team is committed to ensuring you feel comfortable, informed, and supported every step of the way. So why wait? Reach out today to experience the Aspen Dental difference. Don’t let gum recession go untreated! We also offer sleep apnea treatmentTMJ disorder treatment, and laser dentistry in Denver, Colorado!

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